Calling All Artist to join our MURAL ART BATTLE!!!
Send us your Best Mural Art CONCEPT and VISUALIZATION to: before November 15th 2010 and win a chance to get:
5 Million rupiah Prize Money,
Product Endorsement,
a Fresh Wall for you and your crew to bombard...
The Theme:
The Objective:
How can WE, through ART and CREATIVITY, communicate the effects of 'Biodiversity Loss'
so it'll create an AWARENESS to the public and hopefully evolves into ACTION that help prevent the damage even more...
Get the ENTRY FORM Now by clicking:
For More info: Follow us at Twitter (@ADROITZ) for event updates...
An Event by:
Fully Supported by:
Too Many Clothings
sebuah mini project al TEREGO studio, sebuah buku cerita dengan mengajak 30 ilustrator dan 1 penulis dalam memvisualkan tiap bagian ceritanya. Setiap halaman adalah suasana yang berbeda dengan satu jalan cerita yang sama.
Penulis dan Cover:
Tampan Destawan Subagyo
the artist:
Adhitya Prasetyo | Rio Ari Seno | Raihansans | Tonthowi al Ahyar | Agus Susanto
Dimas Indra Permana | Atreyu A.M | Ardyan Yuniar | Widya Mada | Aiko Marckveratu
La Tessa Dwadiandra | Nurify Gadisgelap | Arya Mularama | Naomi Dame | Rasu Ardie Aditya Fachrizal Hafiz | Chaterine Natasha | Onny Ranantalice | Dedy Kurniawan
Griksa Gunadarma | Aloysius Nitia | Mira Agfa Masita | Prasajadi Heru | Ryan Sheehan
Ryan Mardhika | Toro Elmar | Adri Tirtoarrazaq | Ube | Soni Fajar Nurhadi | Roy Bayu Putra
Tampan Destawan Subagyo
the artist:
Adhitya Prasetyo | Rio Ari Seno | Raihansans | Tonthowi al Ahyar | Agus Susanto
Dimas Indra Permana | Atreyu A.M | Ardyan Yuniar | Widya Mada | Aiko Marckveratu
La Tessa Dwadiandra | Nurify Gadisgelap | Arya Mularama | Naomi Dame | Rasu Ardie Aditya Fachrizal Hafiz | Chaterine Natasha | Onny Ranantalice | Dedy Kurniawan
Griksa Gunadarma | Aloysius Nitia | Mira Agfa Masita | Prasajadi Heru | Ryan Sheehan
Ryan Mardhika | Toro Elmar | Adri Tirtoarrazaq | Ube | Soni Fajar Nurhadi | Roy Bayu Putra
and here's the detail of the book:
Book detail:
Front Cover: Florida Textured paper
Isi: HVS 70gr
Copy system
Cover: Digital printed
Isi: Photo copy
68 Halaman
Order the very limited copy
Front Cover: Florida Textured paper
Isi: HVS 70gr
Copy system
Cover: Digital printed
Isi: Photo copy
68 Halaman
Order the very limited copy
Rp.20.000,- (Excl. Shipping)
send a message to
+62 856 1499680
Read behind the story behind of the making of this book. here
gosipnya buku ini hanya di kopi sebanyak 50 buah.
ayo mendingan buruan dapetin!
thanks dancing animal

Masih ingat ga rasanya ketika kamu menerima surat tanpa mengetahui apa isinya?
Perasaan ini yang ingin dihidupkan kembali oleh Tukang Surat.
Bagaimana caranya?
Kirim aja surat ke Tukang Surat (boleh juga menyertakan sebuah benda, apa pun kami terima kok), dan Tukang Surat akan membalasnya dengan menyertakan sebuah benda rahasia untuk kamu! Bendanya apa?
Rahasia donk, yang pasti sih muat dalam amplop.
Kalo ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut..boleh langsung tulis di wall atau email ke Boleh juga dateng ke blog Tukang Surat di
Our new theme is all about MERDEKA!
We want you to draw your interpretation of MERDEKA!
Give a bit explanation of your work and...
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) com
Read more
We want you to draw your interpretation of MERDEKA!
Give a bit explanation of your work and...
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) com
and fill this form :
Illustration title :Let them see the world and make them proud!
Name :
Job :
Illustration techniques :
Your website :
Character description :
Our new theme is all about ROBOT
We want you to draw your favorite Robot
Draw him/her/it and anything you want to explain about your Robot . And sent to us, don't forget to write a story or description about your character!
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) com
Read more
We want you to draw your favorite Robot
Draw him/her/it and anything you want to explain about your Robot . And sent to us, don't forget to write a story or description about your character!
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) com
and fill this form :
Illustration title :Let them see the world and make them proud!
Name :
Job :
Illustration techniques :
Your website :
Character description :
Cecil. Okay, this is the alter ego speaking. What? you're calling me the imaginary friend? How dare you! Let me get this straight. My ID is a useless mass, just an identifier to let other people identify me as me. But I must admit she is an okay girl. She let me out sometimes, and most of the times when we're alone, she let me take control. She's one scatterbrained girl, but kind to animals. And we're both have katsaridaphobia. Oooh loook! UFO! Okay. Thank you. bye. |
Illustration title : The Murkan's
Name : Toro Elmar
Job : Illustrator / Designer
Illustration techniques : Acrylic on board
Your website : &
Character description : "this is about the weird birds called the murkan's they are a curious bird who always don't believe each other just like human being who never trust each other."
Tunggalkarsa , A Designer/Illustrator/Spirits Healer Illustration techniques : Hand Drawing, Faber Castle colour pencils, Snowman drawing pen, Artline 70 marker Character description : A twisted psychologically disarray individual which happened to consume excessively anger and hatred and at present time living in exile. |
Rizka R Safitri, mahasiswa
Character description :
namanya Chiquitita. punya ketertarikan khusus pada benda benda yang bisa ngapung tak bermesin (burung, balon gas, balon udara, balon yang ditiup terus dilepasin, pesawat kertas, hantu) suka bermain dan pandai berhitung. kamu hanya bisa menemuinya di samping Komidi Putar di Taman Rekreasi Lincah Ceria, Negeri Dimanahayo setiap hari Rabu. Karena dia membantu Ayahnya mengoperasikan mainan raksasa tersebut.
Erick S.
Job : Texture Artist/storyboard artist
Illustration techniques : Manual Ink & Shade with Drawing pen 03 & Gray Copic Marker, Digital Colouring with Photoshop
Your website :,
Character description : A kid who likes to swim deep into the pacific ocean, and hunts mackerels for lunch. Has many friends in the sea (including the leviathans), air, and land.
Read more
Job : Texture Artist/storyboard artist
Illustration techniques : Manual Ink & Shade with Drawing pen 03 & Gray Copic Marker, Digital Colouring with Photoshop
Your website :,
Character description : A kid who likes to swim deep into the pacific ocean, and hunts mackerels for lunch. Has many friends in the sea (including the leviathans), air, and land.
We're very sorry for our lack updates & etc etc. You know us ... human, with all those flaws.
Our new theme is all about YOU and your imagination
We want you to draw your own character or alter ego or imaginary friend or whatever you named them.
Draw him/her and anything you want to explain about your character exp: food, home etc. And sent to us, don't forget to write a story or description about your character!
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) comOur new theme is all about YOU and your imagination
We want you to draw your own character or alter ego or imaginary friend or whatever you named them.
Draw him/her and anything you want to explain about your character exp: food, home etc. And sent to us, don't forget to write a story or description about your character!
and fill this form :
Illustration title :Let them see the world and make them proud!
Name :
Job :
Illustration techniques :
Your website :
Character description :
Example :
Our character slash imaginary friend slash alter ego here and here
Hey guys...
For this period we have a special theme, to celebrate our founder release of Lemi the Space Wanderer plush, and he promised to send one plush to one lucky winner.
To find more information about Lemi, please visit
so, ladies and gentleman, the new theme are :
To find more information about Lemi, please visit
so, ladies and gentleman, the new theme are :
draw anything you have in mind when you read that word.
As usual, send your illustration to : dancing.animal (at) yahoo (dot) com
and fill this form :
Illustration title :
Name :
Job :
A brief explanation about your work :
Illustration techniques :
Your website :
And remember if you still want to illustrating our previous theme : STRIPES, just send it to us. :)
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